Tuesday, September 7, 2010

labor day was fun

i did not get much homework done.. i dont even know why i try to convince myself that i will not be distracted. complete fail i tell you haha. i have accepted the fact that it is impossible for me to do any kind of academic work when family is around haha.

i have the most adorable niece and little cousin ever. they are so cute and so adorable. i first arrived at the park and little cousin samantha was so excited that she literally stood there waiting and slightly running towards me to give me a hug haha so cute. then p5 and i walked her to the bridge to look at duckies and turtles. had her sit on giant rocks to take pictures hahaha. told her to skip, it was the funniest yet cutest thing… she has not really gotten the concept of skipping yet. she will get there. by the end or almost the end of the day the little kids got ice cream, she was eating her care bare ice cream and her ice cream was melting. mind you that it was windy and cold where were sitting. so i was at the picnic tables…doing something i forgot. she runs over and goes “chi tram chi tram. my ice cream! its dripping” haha it was so cute she was freaking out over the ice cream (she’s really neat and clan) so i run over to giver her a paper towl and to wipe her hands. then i wrap the stick around the paper towel and hand it back to her haha. you just had to be there to see how funny and cute it was. she looked terrified at the same time haha.

my niece mikayla. so funny and cute. she is so tiny and so entertaining. i love listening to her talk because half of the time you dont know what she is saying but you will catch every other words here and there haha. she is independent, we told her to hold hands with samantha, but she wont let anyone hold her hand. watching her eat ice cream is funny. she is so into it, ice cream all over her face. instead of throwing breads into the water for the ducks, she throws leaves in haha. watching her try to roll down the hill was even more fun. kids, they are so adorable and so funny haha.

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