Sunday, September 12, 2010

the joy of literature.

it's silly. i have found a new love and i am obsessed. i was given an article....ok not an article, but a review by Stacy Davies. so, i was reading the reviews for my creative writing class. the instr. told us how much she loved her style of writing, of course i did not think much of it. i sat down in my room (where i am at at the moment)instead of finishing lord of the rings. i started reading it and it felt like love at first sing--not that i know what that is like haha. anyway, i could not put it down. it was funny and charming. it felt more like a story rather than a review. so after i got done reading the two reviews...i googled her. yes, i googled her. i wanted to find more of her work. so i did and now, i can not wait to start reading it all.

so how come i do not feel this way about films? i wish that i did because i love films. but i think that maybe, film is suppose to be my hobby and nothing more. i feel that books, and writing gives me this sense happiness and excitement that i can not get from films. sure, i feel like i am in my own world when i watch movies....but, i seem to have a deeper connection with writing and reading. sitting in film studies class and the instr. is saying negative stuff about how reading is not the same as watching a movie because movies are better, and how we do not feel the same when reading; or the fact that it's not really enjoyable because one can not see the actual action in their head. i was offended when she said that, and all i wanted to do, was defend reading and books. i guess this is wear my heart is. sure, i still love movies but...not enough to pursue it i guess. i am actually thinking of going into literature and film on the side...who knows. but we shall see what happens.

my instr. from last semester whom i still keep in touch with. she recommend that i apply and submit some of my writing to some writing contest. try to get a writing job as free lancer...just to get some exposure. i am thinking about the writing contest though. it all seems exciting and fun. i know i may not be the best writer...but there is always room for improvement and the more i write, i know i will continue to improve. i mean, isnt that what writing is all about? write, make mistakes, learn and faith.

“Writing is really just a matter of writing a lot, writing consistently and having faith that you’ll continue to get better and better. Sometimes, people think that if they don’t display great talent and have some success right away, they won’t succeed. But writing is about struggling through and learning and finding out what it is about writing itself that you really love.” — Laura Kasischke

i agree, when i first started out writing in journalism freshman year, i did not display much talent with my writing, i did not believe that i could succeed or that fact that i would end up loving it so much. i admit that i struggled with writing whether its the content of my writing or the grammar itself. even then i often stumble and struggle to find the words to write what i mean and what i know. writing “is” about struggling and finding yourself in knowing what you are capable of and finding out what it is that you love. writing for me is a way of self expression, a creative process that helps one shape their way of thinking, their way of communicating to what they feel. i have faith in myself that i will continue to make progress and to continue of being a better writer, i just have to keep going and just write.

i seriously become a nerd when i start talking about literature haha.

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